Oliver Quinlan pleit ervoor om eerst na te denken wat lerenden zouden moeten/willen leren om vervolgens leerervaringen te ontwerpen die lerenden helpen leeruitkomsten te bereiken. Daarbij zouden lerenden regelmatig moeten controleren of ze nog het juiste pad bewandelen. Dat lijkt dan misschien iets nieuws, maar dat is nu precies wat ik probeer. Hoe kan dat?:-)
Leren door te structureren in plaats van te instrueren
Op veranderde inzichten rond de flipped classroom stond ie dan:
...kijk daar heb ik wel ideeën over, maar daar over later meer...
When first-grade classes had larger percentages of students with MD, their teachers were more often using non-traditional instructional practices, in which students use manipulatives, calculators, movement, and music to learn mathematics. The researchers found these types of practices were not associated with achievement gains. These practices were ineffective for both MD and non-MD students. Instead, the researchers found that only use by first-grade teachers of more traditional, teacher-directed instruction — in which teachers used textbooks, worksheets, chalkboards, and routine practice to instruct students in mathematics facts, skills, and concepts — was associated with achievement gains for students with MD.